Homepage>Faculty>Fan'ao Kong Professor

Office :Room 206 in Bulding 2 , ICAS
Phone:010-62555347, 010-62554245

Birth Date:June,1936


  • Professor: 1989-present, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Assistant, associate and professor: 1958-1989, Department of Chemical Physics, University of Science & Technology of China
  • B.S. 1958. Department of chemistry, Peking unversity.

Research Interests

Molecule Reaction Dynamics -- Exploring the reaction process and mechanism in the qutantum state by laser,molecule beam and moderm instrument.

Free radicals reaction in gas phase: We foucs on the important reaction in the combustion chemistry and environment, including the reaction of CH,CH2 and O2,NO.

Femtochemistry:Interactions between molecule and ultrashort laser pulse,IVR, relaxation,reaction of molecule in the Femtoscond time scale. Real time measurement and control of chemical reaction .

Reaction dynamics of atomic clusters:Atomic cluster is very important to new materials, catalysis and condensed phase. We are interested in the producing,detection dissociation and reaction dynamics of atomic clusters.

The inteaction between molecule and intense laser field:Understand and control of molecular processes,such as ionization and dissociation by the intense and short laser field, are emerging research fields. We try to understand molecular interactions with intense laser light below Coulomb explosion intensity.

